• Why The Bass Player Rules The Groove – Science!

    Why The Bass Player Rules The Groove – Science!

    This post is for the nerds, because science is your friend, even in music! Check out this paper, entitled “Superior time perception for lower musical pitch explains why bass-ranged instruments lay down musical rhythms” from the National Academy Of Sciences. It explains the methodology, and results of testing listeners, to determine the differences in human perception…

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  • Beau Bow de Lune

    Beau Bow de Lune

    The Beau Bow de Lune album is a collaboration between three established artists – now available in the TuneLings Store. Val McCallum has been a working guitarist around Los Angeles for many years, and a very fine singer. He’s been on-stage and in-studio with many artists, most notably Jackson Browne, and he’s also one third of the most-entertaining cover…

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  • Make TuneLings – Grow Up Big And Strong!

    Make TuneLings – Grow Up Big And Strong!

    TuneLings authors don’t just have fun and get paid, they also become better musicians!

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  • Mixed Meter – Not Just For Prog-Rockers!

    Mixed Meter – Not Just For Prog-Rockers!

    MIxed meter is more common than you might think, and musically useful – and TuneLings are particularly good at illustrating it for the player.

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  • What Is Song Structure?

    What Is Song Structure?

    Songs are usually built of musical components. This post explains what those components are, in simple, easy-to-understand language.

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  • Why A Blog? (First post!)

    Why A Blog? (First post!)

    The TuneLings blog is for people who love music so much that they want to play it. Please join the band!

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